Azure Backup - Cross Region Restore (CRR) for Azure Virtual Machines is now generally available

@20aman    Feb 20, 2021

We discussed the Cross Region Restore (CRR) for Azure Virtual Machines in Azure Backup in an earlier post. You can view that post here: Cross Region Restore (CRR) for Azure Virtual Machines using Azure Backup

Now, this feature for Virtual Machines is generally available.

Note that:

  • Azure zonal pinned VMs that are backed up with RS vault enabled with this feature will now be provided with options to restore in any zone of customer choice.
  • Azure Backup supports all managed and unmanaged VMs for Cross Region Restore. Classic VMs remains to be unsupported.
  • Microsoft is starting with the replication RPO of up to 12 hours in the secondary region even though the storage SLA of geo-replication is 15 mins.
  • The pricing is unchanged and stays the same. This is really good of Microsoft to not increase the pricing of the feature.

While Microsoft has moved the preview of CRR for Azure VMs to GA, CRR for SQL/SAP HANA databases running in Azure VMs will continue to be in preview.

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