Azure for AWS professionals - Storage - AWS - 01 Creating Simple Storage Service or S3 buckets

@20aman    Sep 15, 2019

Note that this post is a part of the series. You can view all posts in this series here: Azure for AWS professionals - Index

AWS Simple Storage Service or S3 is the managed service provided by the AWS environment for storing your blobs like your photos, videos, and any other files. In this service, you create S3 buckets as resources. These are very similar to Microsoft Azure storage accounts.

To start, navigate to S3 service from All services.

S3 option

Here you will see the option to create a new bucket. Click on the button to get started.

Creating bucket

Provide a name and region for the bucket. Note that the name can only contain small letters and numbers and has to be unique within AWS space. The region should be closer to where you or your customer is located.

Simple settings

When you scroll down you have settings to control the access to the S3 bucket. Default is to "Block all public access". You can tweak the settings and select more granular access by unchecking the main checkbox and then selecting the ones that applies to your situation.

Also, to help prevent accidental deletion of your data you can enable the object locks on the S3 bucket.

Advanced settings

Once you hit the create button, the bucket is created for you. Next, we will start working with this S3 bucket.

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