Azure for AWS professionals - Storage - AWS - 04 Setting Permissions on S3 Bucket
@20aman Sep 19, 2019Note that this post is a part of the series. You can view all posts in this series here: Azure for AWS professionals - Index
You can manage the access to the S3 bucket at a much granular level through its permission settings. You can access its settings by navigating to the S3 bucket and clicking on the "Permissions" tab.
Here you have the option to modify:
- "Block public access" related policies
- Access Control Lists - modifying and creating them
- Bucket policies
- CORS configurations - i.e. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for HTTP access
The "Block public access" policies are those that you set up while creating the S3 bucket. You can modify these settings here by clicking on the Edit button and can set this up at a granular level.

You can set up much more granular access for the below using Access Control Lists:
- Bucket Owner
- Public access
- S3 log delivery group
You can set up or revoke the access for below operations:
- List objects
- Write objects
- Read bucket permissions
- Write bucket permissions