Azure SQL Basics - Query Performance Insights
@20aman Nov 17, 2019Note that this post is a part of the series. You can view all posts in this series here: Azure SQL and Data Factory Basics - Index
In this post, we will be discussing the Azure SQL Database query performance insights which provide intelligent query analysis for single and pooled databases. It helps identify the top resource consuming and long-running queries in your workload. This helps you find the queries to optimize to improve overall workload performance and efficiently use the resource that you are paying for.
To Navigate to the Query Performance Insight, navigate to All resources-> SQL Databases-> Select the database. Under the menu on the left hand side go to the Intelligent Performance category -> select Query Performance Insights
- The panel describes the Deeper insight into your databases resource (DTU) consumption
- Details on top database queries by CPU, duration, and execution count
- The ability to drill down into details of a query, to view the query text and history of resource utilization
- Annotations that show performance recommendations from database advisors

Optionally, you can select the Custom tab to customize the view for:
- Metric (CPU, duration, execution count).
- Time interval (last 24 hours, past week, or past month).
- The number of queries.
- Aggregation function.