Creating the Azure Route Server

@20aman    Mar 15, 2021

In the previous blog post we looked at what an Azure Route Server is and what are its benefits. You can view the previous post here: Understanding the Azure Route Server

In this blog post, we will be setting up an Azure Route Server via the Azure Portal.


If you are setting up Azure Route Server for your Network Virtual Appliance or NVA, the two key pre-requisites are:

  1. For you to be able to set up an Azure Route Server, you need to have an empty subnet in your virtual network with the name "RouteServerSubnet". This subnet should have an address space with a prefix of at least "/27" or higher.
  2. The NVA should allow the BGP protocol to leverage the benefits of having the Azure Route Server.

Finding the Route Server section

To find the section for Route Server navigate to this direct link: Azure Route Server

To create a new Route Server, simply click on the "+ Create new route server" button.

Route Servers


In the Basics section, provide the values for Subscription, Resource Group, Instance name of the route server, and Region for the deployment. Next you will need to select the Virtual network in the same region where you want to deploy the route server. The wizard will automatically select the subnet with the name "RouteServerSubnet". As noted earlier, this subnet should have at least a "/27" prefix for the address space.


Next, provide any Tags, and then click on "Review + create" and finally click on the "Create" button to create the route server.

Create the Route Server

Behind the scene it creates two resources of following types:

  • Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs
  • Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/ipConfigurations

If you check the Resource Group that you used for deployment, it will look empty. But when you click on the check box for "Show hidden types" you will be able to view the Virtual Hub that was deployed for the Route Server.

Hidden type for Virtual Hub

In the next post, we will look at configuring the Route Server. You can view the post here: Configuring the Azure Route Server

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